Join Livestreaming Team

Join Livestreaming Team

Since early in the pandemic, St. Paul’s has been live streaming our10:30 Sunday services, other special services, Taize as well as musicevents, thanks to generous donations that allowed us to purchase ourstreaming equipment and the dedication of our Stream Team...
Help Local Homeless Families

Help Local Homeless Families

Wilmington Interfaith Hospitality Family Promise unites communities of faith to assist local, homeless families by providing emergency housing and dinner meals, so these families can establish a sound financial base and move into their own homes. St. Paul’s has...
Vanco New E-Giving Provider

Vanco New E-Giving Provider

St. Paul’s is pleased to announce that we’re transitioning to a new online giving solution with improved features and functionality to make giving easier. This new solution, Vanco Online, is live on our site and is ready to start accepting donations today. Vanco...
The Source is Open

The Source is Open

The Source is OPEN!The Source Gift Shop is open for business. Store hours are 12-1 p.m. on Sundays. The Source is located in the hall between the Nave and the Parish Hall. All proceeds benefit special projects at St. Paul’s, such as the newly decorated library.  The...
Blessings Box Volunteers Needed

Blessings Box Volunteers Needed

St. Paul’s Blessing Box,  at the corner of Princess and 16th streets, is a ministry of our church in partnership with our neighborhood.  The blessing box provides food items and basic hygiene items to those in our surrounding area who might need them.  Items are free...

St. Paul’s is Hiring!

St. Paul’s  seeks a part-time parish administrator for our growing congregation. A qualified candidate will assist the Rector in all aspects of parish ministry and work in tandem with associate clergy, staff, volunteers, members, repair and service workers, and...
Join St. Paul’s Food Packing Event

Join St. Paul’s Food Packing Event

How about a party with a purpose? The purpose is to pack 10,000 meals for hungry people around the world, through Rise Against Hunger. At the same time, while packing the meals, we can renew acquaintances divided by Covid, meet new parishioners and welcome visitors....

Breakfast, Coffee Hour Return

On Sept. 12, join the people of St. Paul’s in the Parish Hall following the 8 a.m. service for breakfast . Join us in the garden after the 10:30 a.m. service for coffee hour  as we gather once again for good fellowship and food. Please bring your own...