
M usic is an amazing gift from God and at St. Paul’s, we work to give a portion of that gift back to God.

Worship, concerts and a strong choral tradition are ways in which we strive to “know God and to make Him known.” The music department at St. Paul’s is a warm and inviting group of dedicated musicians.  We not only lead the congregation in worship, but we seek to reach those outside our walls through our inspiring choral anthems and voluntaries on Sunday mornings, choral evensong, Taizé prayer services and our Music at St. Paul’s concert Series.

If you would like to learn more about our choral program, click here.


This ecumenical sung and silent participatory prayer service is designed to achieve a contemplative state through music, song, and silence. With St. Paul’s Taizé quartet and organ. Services September–May.

Brendan Conner has served as music director and organist since September 2023.

Brendan came to St. Paul’s from All Saints Episcopal Church in Atlanta, where he served as associate music director.

Previously, he was senior organ scholar at Christ Church Cathedral in Indianapolis and in other Episcopal churches in Indiana and California. He received a bachelor of arts in music at UC Berkeley and a master of music in organ performance at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Brendan is scheduled to complete a doctorate in music in 2024.

St. Paul’s Organ

Our main pipe organ is a 1995 Goulding & Wood 38-rank, 30-stop instrument with the pipes located on either side of the altar. The console is in the right side of the chancel. The estate of Hazel Savage provided us with a new 9-rank G & Wantiphonal gallery organ that was installed in 1999. This organ has festival trumpets and other ranks that complement the main organ. It can be played on a keyboard in the gallery or from the console of the main organ. The large open space of our church provides superb acoustics for these magnificent instruments.

Click here for the pipe organ specifications.