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About Us
We are a thriving and always growing community of faith with many new members. We love to worship God in the beauty of our church surrounded by inspiring liturgy and music. From worship that nurtures and renews us, we are growing in our desire and ability to share the abundance we have in God through Jesus with our neighbors and with people who can use our help. We also love to celebrate our life in Christ through the liturgical feast days and in our fellowship gathered around shared ministries, friendships and good food.
To learn more about any of our programs or services, you can email us at admin@spechurch.com or call the church office at (910) 762-4578.
Sundays at St. Paul’s


Regular Services
Rite II | 8 a.m.
Choral Eucharist
Rite II | 10:30 a.m.
Livestream Available

Ushers to Help
Please see any of our ushers for assistance when you enter the worship area.

Have Kids?
All children are welcome and encouraged during our services. Activity bags and bins are available for all ages, including a children’s worship bulletin.
Nursery for Infant–Age 5
9:15 a.m. to Noon.

All baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion. If you would prefer not to receive, you can remain seated, or come forward with your arms crossed to receive a blessing. If you are allergic to wheat products, gluten-free communion bread is available. Please let your request be known to the priest as they approach you.

St. Paul’s follows the services outlined in the Book of Common Prayer 1979. The services include Old and New Testament readings, a reading from the Gospel, a sermon and traditional communion.

Children’s Faith Formation
9:30-10:15 a.m., upstairs in children’s wing
For details about our program and to register your child, go here.
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
9:30-10:15 a.m., Downstairs, Meeting Room A
Adult Faith Formation
9:30-10:15 a.m.,
Parish Hall

After You Go
A few More Things to Note
- Live-Streaming – Our service is live-streamed on YouTube on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Please subscribe to St. Paul’s on YouTube to view live-streamed services and concerts.
- Hospitality Reception – We host a reception after the 8 a.m. and 10:30 services. Come join us!
- Parking – Our facility is handicapped accessible with multiple handicapped parking spaces available in the lot off Market Street and the lot off Princess Street. Handicap ramps serve both parking lots.
- Gift Shop – Our gift shop, The Source, is open 12-1 p.m. Sundays. The store features many beautifully crafted items that would make great gifts for oneself or friends and family. The Source is located in the hall between the nave and the Parish Hall All proceeds benefit special projects at St. Paul’s. Come by and check us out.
- Church Tours – Tours of St. Paul’s are offered the first Sunday of every month after the 10:30 a.m. service. Meet at the back of the church. We’ll walk around the church and the Parish Hall, and share the church’s story. For newcomers, it’s a chance to see where things are. For visitors, it’s a bit of architectural and church history. For the rest of us, it’s a chance to revisit places not often seen. Everyone’s welcome.
Explore St. Paul’s
St. Paul’s offers programs and activities to help you build a Christ-centered life.
Some areas you might be interested in are:
Our music program features a talented adult choir that provides music for worship and special performances. The large open space of our church provides superb acoustics for two magnificent organs. Come sing with us!
Worship is at the heart of all we do at St. Paul’s. If you are unable to join us for services on Sunday, use this page to see a Livestream of the 10:30 service.
St. Paul’s education opportunities range from weekly classes on Sunday morning and small group meetings throughout the week, as well as a complete Sunday curriculum for all ages.
If you have the caring touch, we offer opportunities to be of service. Other Inreach activities include The Gentlemen of Noble Poverty building and grounds ministry, the St. Fiacre Garden guild, and the Communications and Technology ministry.
Community Outreach
Parish Life
St. Paul’s has many Parish Life groups and special events where you can meet new friends. We look forward to seeing you at a future event!
Communications & Technology
If you love writing, graphic design or technology, you can volunteer to help with St. Paul’s E-News, the website, social media, audio/video or computer operations.
Get Connected
St. Paul’s is a vibrant faith community that offers many opportunities to connect with God, fellow parishioners and friends. You can get up-to-the-minute information on concerts, parish events, community ministry projects and small group studies, as well as inspiration for your spiritual journey by receiving our weekly E-News. Help us keep in touch with you and serve you better by providing us with your contact information and your areas of interest.
Ready to Get Involved?