by Adam Pierce | Mar 28, 2020 | As Grain Once Scattered, Sacred Spaces
One of the ways in which rituals do their work (convey meaning, provide comfort) is through their consistency. We do the same thing in our ritual practice over and over again and our rituals shape us through that consistency. As we think about going through Holy Week...
by Office | Mar 27, 2020 | Clergy Corner
This past Sunday was the Fourth Sunday in Lent. It was also the second Sunday without congregations gathering together in person for public worship. As far as a name for a liturgical season goes, that’s a mouth full. But before this day arrived my family, like...
by Office | Mar 27, 2020 | Clergy Corner
“Good things come to those who wait.” It is a hard saying, whether or not you are waiting for a sip of Guinness at the day’s end, or for a splash of ketchup to land on your cheeseburger. In this season of Lent, we are waiting for good things. We are waiting for the...
by Adam Pierce | Mar 27, 2020 | As Grain Once Scattered
Scripture has much to show us about the presence of God in the midst of our loss. As we received the announcement this week from our bishop, The Rt. Rev. Robert Skirving, that public worship would be suspended through April it hit me that we are not going to be...
by Adam Pierce | Mar 27, 2020 | As Grain Once Scattered
For those that have found their way to this page: Welcome! One thing that I have found deeply meaningful during this time has been writing. I’ve always enjoyed writing but somehow it ceased to be a part of my spiritual discipline, can I blame my 3 children? One great...
by Office | Mar 25, 2020 | Clergy Corner
If you’ve visited St. Paul’s website recently then you’ve probably noticed a new link on the home page. It reads “Online Prayer Service via Zoom Tuesdays and Thursdays”. As we are faced with growing uncertainty and disruption to our daily lives new routines that are...
by Julie Martin | Mar 19, 2020 | Clergy Corner
Dear Friends in Christ, In normal times, I think the number one job of the clergy is to be a non-anxious presence— a non-anxious presence in worship, in Bible Study, in Vestry meetings, in pastoral encounters, in fellowship, and in outreach. In abnormal times, the job...
by Parish Administrator | Mar 19, 2020 | Clergy Corner
Among the things that I’m not great at: sitting still. During my first year of seminary, the D.C. area and much of the North East saw record snowfall; we had over two feet in Alexandria alone. Of course a city that far south is not accustomed to that level of snow...
by Parish Administrator | Mar 12, 2020 | Clergy Corner
Abbott and Costello’s iconic comedy routine, “Who’s on first,” seems a useful metaphor to me as I begin my ministry as your interim rector here at St. Paul’s. It is good to be here and I am grateful for your welcome and hospitality. The name tags...