Ministry Opportunities

Ministry Opportunities

Pandemic or not, November on into Advent is a time of year where our calendars tend to be full. For these ministry opportunities I give thanks. I  want to highlight a few offerings and provide an update on another. I hope you will consider taking advantage of one or...
Ministry Opportunities

From Ray Hanna, Interim Rector

Nelson Mandela said, “a real leader uses every issue, no matter how serious and sensitive to ensure that at the end of the debate we should emerge stronger and more united than ever before.” Our mission as a church is to unite people — “to restore people to unity with...
Ministry Opportunities

St. Paul’s Community Ministry Update

As of this writing on Thursday morning we as a nation still find ourselves awaiting the results of the general election.  The waiting seems in many ways familiar for this year as we have been in a state of waiting since March. Waiting for businesses to reopen, waiting...