Reflection Time for a Busy Church

Reflection Time for a Busy Church

There is a lot happening at St. Paul’s. It may seem odd to realize this at first; we’re used to hearing all of the announcements about things happening on Sunday mornings in worship or in our socializing during breakfast or the hospitality hour. But as I sit here and...
Reflection Time for a Busy Church

We Love To tell The Stories

My father used to love to tell stories. One of his favorites, which I heard him tell at least 1000 times, was the story of his journey to Japan which he took after being drafted into the army during the Korean War. He was stationed in Japan for two years. The journey...
Reflection Time for a Busy Church

Beacons of Hope

Paul in his letter to the Romans lays out his argument for justification by faith. While there is nothing that we need to do to earn redemption in a transactional sense, there are ways in which we are driven to respond to God’s grace in our lives. In Romans 5 Paul...
Reflection Time for a Busy Church

Lamentations and Reconciliation

The sage theologian Karl Barth taught his students to preach with the Bible in one hand andthe newspaper in the other. His admonition wasn’t just a clever homiletical technique, it wasan assertion that our faith calls us to live in the world in a particular way— a way...