When our friends in the Winston-Salem area where we lived found out that we were planning to move to Carolina Beach, they said, “So, you have family there.” We replied that we did not. When others asked if we had friends at the coast, we answered that we did not. Often their faces paled, and they shook their heads in disbelief. We made the move east in the fall of 2016 and joined St. Paul’s later that year. We felt like we were where we belonged both at Carolina Beach and at St. Paul’s.
In previous lives (before retirement), Shannon, a native North Carolinian, taught high school Spanish in public and private schools in Forsyth County. After 40 years (OK, so it was 39 ½ years), she happily retired. Dick moved from the Buffalo, NY area to Winston and began a 35-year career with R J Reynolds Tobacco Company. Dick is a cradle Episcopalian and enjoys biking and golf. At St. Paul’s he serves on the finance committee, and he is an usher. Shannon enjoys walking and working out with an outdoor exercise group. She ushers at St. Paul’s and served on the long-range plan committee.