Our rich liturgical tradition includes the use of vestments, music, candles, bells and incense. We invite you to visit us anytime to share this experience. Some services are simply sung by the choir and chanted by participants. All are beautiful in their own respect. Please read more about each regular service offered at St. Paul’s. In addition to these, we offer special services in accordance with the seasons of the Episcopal Church.
Holy Eucharist
The Holy Eucharist is the principal worship service in the Episcopal Church. St. Paul’s offers Holy Eucharist three times during the week: twice on Sunday and once on Wednesday (beginning Sept. 22). We follow Rite II for all services. Occasionally families may request Rite I for a funeral service.
- 8 a.m. Sunday and 12:10 p.m. Wednesday services are spoken.
- 10:30 a.m. Sunday service is a choral Eucharist. The service also is available Via Livestream.
Morning Prayer
Tuesday and Thursday at 9 a.m. Via Zoom. Join here
An ecumenical sung and silent participatory prayer service designed to achieve a contemplative state through music, song and silence. With St. Paul’s Taizé quartet and organ. Services second Thursday of the month September–May.
A sung service of evening prayer, psalms, canticles, and scripture readings. An ancient part of the Anglican tradition, ever renewing the soul. Services September–May.
Floral Gifts and Thanksgivings
Floral gifts and arrangements to beautify the sacred spaces of our church are a gift to God and those who attend our worship services.
To sign up, at least two weeks before the date please go to our online form below, where you can provide your name, telephone number, email address and requested date. You can add other information, such as the name of person(s) you are honoring for a memorial/thanksgiving. If you want to provide instructions, space is provided for that as well. You also may call the church office at (910) 762-4578 to reserve a date.
The cost of altar flowers is funded through generous donations to the St. Paul’s Flower Fund and not through a line item in the church budget. A contribution to the flower fund is a meaningful way to honor or remember a loved one. It is also tax deductible. Dedications made during the Lenten season are for greenery rather than flowers.
We suggest a donation of $50 for the two flower arrangements (greenery during Lent); however, a gift in any amount is accepted with gratitude. You may make your donation by sending a check to the church office at 16 N. 16th St., Wilmington, NC 28401, marked “Flower Fund” or you may use the online form provided below. To pay online using Vanco, click on this button
The Flower Guild will order the flowers and create arrangements for the sanctuary. Thank you for your donation to the St. Paul’s Flower Fund.
If you have questions, please contact Beth Richards.
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