Thanksgiving from the Rector

Nov 25, 2021 | Clergy Corner

Dear StPaul’s Family,

I write to you to simply say “Thank you!” As I ponder all the things in my life for which I am most thankful,
StPaul’s is near the top of the list. 

I am thankful for how we love God in our worship.

I am thankful for how that worship inspires us to reach out our hands in love to our neighbors. 

I am thankful for the Wardens and Vestry of StPaul’s.

I am thankful for our hardworking staff and volunteers.

I am thankful for our vergers, acolytes, readers, ushers, and greeters. 

I am thankful for our altar and flower guilds.

I am thankful for the Daughters of the King, the Gentleman of Noble Poverty, and the St. Fiacre Guild.

I am thankful for the choir and our music program.

I am thankful for our hospitality teams.

I am thankful for Children’s ministries.

I am thankful for adult formation.

I am thankful for all who work with our finances.

I am thankful for the continued faithfulness of all who are working with our Strategic Plan.

I am thankful for all the many hands and hearts that are StPaul’s.

These are just a few of the many things that come to mind when I count my blessings.

StPaul’s, I am thankful for YOU!   Happy Thanksgiving!

See you Sunday,
