St. Paul’s Blessing Box

Feb 25, 2021 | Clergy Corner

Thanks to the generosity and craftsmanship of one our parishioners St. Paul’s will be installing a Blessing Box on our property in the coming weeks.  A blessing box is similar to a Little Free Library.  Except of course instead of donating or exchanging books the Blessing Box will hold non-perishable food items that can be taken by any who are hungry or in need passing through our neighborhood or living among us. 


The hope is that this small box will make a big impact on the surrounding community.  Many days there are hungry people on the corners of our property asking for food and money; these are some of the more visible signs of need in our midst.  However, the current pandemic has made clear that there are many who are food insecure and often live increasingly in our own neighborhoods.  This box could be a small but significant ministry of our church. 


Beyond serving a need, there is also the opportunity for wider engagement with our neighbors.  Folks in and around St. Paul’s who only know it as the church on the corner of 16th and Princess or the church next to Andrew’s Mortuary could be given an opportunity to join our ministries through providing food for the box. 


The Community Ministry Committee welcomed the idea and recommended it to the vestry for approval, which they did unanimously at their February 8th meeting.   The box will be installed in the coming weeks.  Look for more updates from the Community Ministry Committee about the exact location and what kind of food can be donated.  We give thanks to God for the abundance and generosity in our midst to make this ministry possible. 


God’s Peace,
