Small Groups

Early Bird Book Study
Tuesdays, 7:30–8:30 a.m., Zoom
To Get Involved, Contact Julie Martin
This group was formed to provide a spiritual group in community. Less about study, the purpose of this small group is to build trust and grow spiritually.
Group members take turns choosing a book for the group to read and discuss at the meetings. Each meeting begins with a few moments of silence, followed by discussion and reflection.
This group is for anyone who is yearning to be in a circle of trust in order to explore their faith together.

Education For Ministry (EfM)
Tuesday Evenings, Zoom
As disciples of Christ, we are seekers, longing to develop a deeper understanding of God’s presence and purpose in our lives. Education for Ministry (EfM), a remote learning program developed, overseen, and accredited by the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee, TN, offers a unique opportunity to enrich and strengthen our faith by exploring our Christian traditions through study, prayer, and reflections. No prior background is necessary; this program is open to all adults of any denomination and at any place on their faith journey.
Each EfM session, guided by a trained mentor, begins with a short worship session or meditation selected and led by a different group member each week. About half of the meeting is devoted to discussion of weekly readings in scripture, church history, or theology. We end with a “TR” or theological reflection (an exploration of our personal experiences and the experiences we encounter in scripture or culture through a theological lens), and we ask two questions: “Where is God in this?” and “What does it mean going forward?” Mixed in with all of this are large helpings of fellowship, caring, bonding and humor.
Please reach out to learn more.

Friday Men's Group
7:45–8:45 a.m.
To Get Involved, Contact Royster Hedgepeth
This interfaith group of men meets for conversation, for Bible study, for reflection and for prayer. Meetings offer an opportunity for men to get together, and share their faith and experiences in life’s journey.
Meetings begin by sharing bagels, sweet rolls and coffee over conversation. After about 20 minutes, participants move to some form of Bible study discussion and reflection. Recent journeys include a guidebook for studying John; another, Titus.
The gathering concludes with requests for prayer and ends with the Lord’s Prayer.
If you are looking for, or think you might be looking for, a time of fellowship, camaraderie and faith, you are invited to join them and bring a friend.