Margaret Haughey

Mar 29, 2023 | Members Corner

Greetings! I am Margaret Haughey, a lifelong Episcopalian who grew up in Sewanee, TN. I have been a member of St. Paul’s since September 2017. I took early retirement from Fidelity Investments in Research Triangle Park, jumped ship and came ashore in Wilmington.

When I came to St. Paul’s in Wilmington I was warmly welcomed and jumped into Altar Guild, EfM, Daughters of the King, Lay Eucharistic Visitor, receptions and the former casserole ministry. 

Speaking of food, in the early part of this century, I took about 18 months off from corporate America and attended culinary school. My current calling at St. Paul’s, in addition to Altar Guild, includes Parish Life: cooking Sunday breakfast, cooking Wednesday lunch, Sunday receptions and other events. I also coordinate the Pastoral Care Committee Meal Trains for parishioners who may need meals for awhile following surgery, birth, family death or other situations.  In addition, you can usually find my name as the creator of a Sign Up Genius for some event or another.  

My life outside of St. Paul’s involves being Gammie to two beautiful granddaughters, Mom to two daughters and their husbands, and a fur mom to my new fur baby, Azalea, an 8-year-old Red Tick Beagle. She will be keeping me stateside from my adventurous travels in recent years, which is my other passion!