Endowment Challenge
Endowment Challenge Givers
(Endowment Challenge Givers as of April 21)
Baker, Bill & Pat
Bobo, Don & Nancy
Brainard, Don & Cheryl
Brunton, Tom & Peg
Bucci, Steve & Barbara
Calder, Keith
Day, Karen
DeJarld, Karen
Eason, Ashley
Edwards, Jim
Farri, Joe & Judy
Field, Carol
Fowle, David & Liz
Gates, Ruth
Gerow, Tom & Pam
Giammaria, MJ
Halecki, Candace

Hanna, Rev. Ray
Harkness, Ken & Jane
Hedgepeth, Royster & Katherine
Hersey, Judy
Hitchcock, Tom & Livy
Johnson, Stephanie
Martin, Steve & Julie
McElroy, Jack & Kathy
Miller, Joan Rosko
Miller, Ron & Lynda
O’Dell, Anne
Padgett, Laura
Pollock, Tammy
Pulley, Danny Lee & Robert
Richards, Bill & Beth
Rowe, Dick & Shannon
Scherer, Pat
Singer, Michael & Teresa
Smallwood, Cynthia
Stewart, Jay & Jeanne
Stroud, Rhonda
Swindell, Bob & Kay
Tillery, Leon
Tousignant, David
Van Amberg, Brad & Beth
Weig, Spencer & Ellen
West, Jerry
Wright, Larry and Merry Ann
Wilson, Judy
Letter to the Parish
April 21, 2021
The March Match-ness Endowment Challenge has officially come to an end, and we are pleased to announce that we raised a grand total of $14,750 for the Endowment Fund.
Sincere thanks and appreciation go to our anonymous donor who generously donated $1,000 and then boldly launched this challenge with a promise to match up to an additional $5,000 for every dollar donated to the Endowment Fund in the month of March.
Many in our parish family exuberantly answered the call, and we exceeded our goal of $5,000, raising $8,750 towards the challenge. Through a collective commitment and an enduring passion to share God’s love through St. Paul’s, we were able to turn $5,000 into $14,750.
We are grateful and continually inspired by your remarkable generosity.
In love and thanksgiving,
Your March Match-Ness Team:
Karen Day, Julie Martin, Anne O’Dell, Rhonda Stroud, Spencer Weig, Merry Ann Wright
FAQs About St. Paul's Endowment Fund
Established in 2008 and managed by a board appointed by the Vestry, the Endowment Fund provides much needed financial support for special projects and programs at St. Paul’s. To learn more, see the answers to common questions about the Fund, below.
When was the Endowment Fund established?
The Vestry of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church established the Endowment Fund in 2008 in recognition of the need to manage the church’s financial resources faithfully and responsibly.
Why was the Endowment Fund established?
The Endowment Fund was established because of the generosity of parishioners who believed in supporting St. Paul’s in perpetuity and developing its ministries beyond what is possible through the annual operating budget.
How much money is in the Endowment Fund?
The total amount of money in the Endowment Fund fluctuates daily. As of Jan. 31, 2021, the investment balance was $934,270.
Within the Fund, monies are designated as either Restricted (only available for specific purposes set forth by the donor) or Unrestricted (available for the purposes set forth in the Fund’s Policies & Procedures).
The total amount in the Endowment Fund is not permitted to go below $853,678 to ensure its existence for future generations.
Who manages the Endowment Fund?
The Endowment Board, appointed by the Vestry, oversees the Fund, and engages the professional services of Wells Fargo Advisors to manage the Fund.
Endowment Board members are:
- Tom Brunton
- Virginia Chiarello
- Karen Day
- Anne O’Dell
- Laura Padgett (Chair)
Non-voting ex-officio members include the Rector, Senior Warden and Treasurer.
How are Endowment Funds used by the Church?
The Endowment Fund’s Policies & Procedures clearly state that distributions may only be used for:
- Capital needs of St. Paul’s
- Outreach ministries and grants
- Seed money for new ministries and special one-time projects
- Purposes specifically designated by the donors
What specific projects has the Endowment Fund supported?
Between 2015 and 2020, Endowment Funds have supported a range of projects, including the following:
- Two years of seed money for the new Assistant Rector ministry
- Purchase and improvements to the Ormond Center
- Kitchen renovations
- Replacement of at least one or two of the church’s 13 HVAC units each year
- Repair and restoration of the steeple March 2021