Jack and Kathy McElroy

Feb 17, 2022 | Members Corner

Hello! We’re Jack and Kathy McElroy.

We joined St. Paul’s right before the beginning of Covid, so we spent our first few months at St. Paul’s attending virtually, although we had visited many times before with our daughter, Meaghan Thomas and grand-daughter Amelia.

We are originally from Michigan, but have lived in the Holden Beach area for the past 15 years. Kathy grew up visiting her aunt and uncle in Wilmington as a child, and always knew she would one day make this area home. We do travel back to Michigan as often as we can to see our son, daughter-in-law and two grandsons, Thomas and Ben.

Prior to becoming members at St. Paul’s, we were members at St. James the Fisherman in Shallotte, where Jack served as treasurer and Kathy was an active member of DOK and altar guild. We’ve been members of the Holden Beach Sea Turtle Patrol since 2008 and enjoy golfing, swimming and all of the outdoor activities that this climate has to offer. Jack does auditing work for the Diocese of Eastern Carolina and serves on the Stewardship Committee here at St. Paul’s. We look forward to continuing to get to know more people in the parish.