Give Now
St. Paul’s is a church with Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Hands. We welcome all to live God’s mission, teach Christ’s love and transform our community through the power of the Holy Spirit.
God has blessed each of us, and when we share those blessings with the church, it is called stewardship. Gifts of your time, talents and treasures enable St. Paul’s to make a difference in the world through worship, faith formation and outreach. Your contributions, both gifts and pledges, directly benefit the lifegiving work of our clergy and our church, by providing funds to support:
- Worship & Music Programs
- Faith Formation for Children & Adults
- Outreach Ministries Serving the Wilmington Community
- Parish Ministries Serving Our Own Community of Faith
- Pastoral Care to Help, Nurture & Sustain Those in Need
- Care & Maintenance of Our Historic Buildings & Grounds
- Communication & Technology Improvements
Just click on the Give Now button below to make your donation online. Please consider helping St. Paul’s more by covering the cost of the administration fees. Check the button on the payment page.

How to Give
There are a variety of ways to financially support St. Paul’s. If you have questions about any of these options, or need help in setting one up, please contact Treasurer Judy Wilson at or Financial Assistant Diane Matz-Kane, at
Please note that Dec. 31 is the IRS deadline for yearly tax deduction eligibility. Any pledge payments or contributions received after this date will be recorded in the following year.
Planned Giving: Giving to St. Paul’s through a planned gift ensures that your faithful support of our ministries will continue into the future.
Donations of Cash or Check: Cash or checks can be placed in the collection plate on Sundays. Checks can also be sent through the mail to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 16 N. 16th St., Wilmington, NC 28401. Please do not send cash through the mail.
Give through Bill Pay: If you use online banking through your bank or credit union, you can make a one-time donation or set up a recurring automatic donation through Bill Pay. With Bill Pay, your financial institution will send the payment directly to St. Paul’s. Most banks and credit unions offer this service free of charge to their customers and to the church.
Online Giving: You can donate online through St. Paul’s secure payment portal managed by By clicking here, you can make a one-time donation or set up a recurring pledge payment through Vanco. Note: All financial information submitted to Vanco is encrypted and stored to the highest possible standards in the electronic payment industry.
Gifts of Stocks and Bonds from any publicly traded organization can be transferred to St. Paul’s investment account as payment for your pledge or as a donation or gift. Please consult with your financial or tax advisor before making a donation of publicly traded securities.
Gifts from an IRA: If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can use a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to donate up to $100,000 directly from your IRA to St. Paul’s without counting that amount as taxable income. We encourage you to consult with your financial and tax advisor to determine the giving strategy best suited to your financial needs.