Event/Announcement Submission Form

Please provide the title of your event/announcement.
What do you want people to know about your parish event/announcement? Note: Submissions are subject to editing and approval.
Max. file size: 10 MB.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time Event Begins
Time Event Ends
Where would you like your event/announcement to appear?
Please tell us where you would like your event to be listed or your announcement to appear.

If this is for an event, do you require online registration?
Please describe your registration requirements. Is there a deadline? What information will you need from registrants? Is there a third-party website you would like to use for registrations, or do you want us to set that up for you?
If this is for an event, is there a charge?
Please provide the details of what you will charge for your event. How much are tickets? Is there a deadline? Do you want us to set this up for you?
Anything else we need to know?