We are excited to present to you Faith in Action: Building Our Future. A Capital Campaign to Renew & Restore St. Paul’s. The Vestry of St. Paul’s voted unanimously at its February 2024 meeting to move forward with this $3.5 million capital campaign to renovate our sacred home. To learn more about the proposed renovations and the reasons for pursuing them at this time, we invite you to watch this informative video and read the brochure.
The Capital Campaign to Renew & Restore St. Paul’s seeks to:
- Provide stairless access between our sanctuary and parish hall.
- Redesign and update areas of the Parish House to better reflect our second great spiritual gift of Hospitality by updating restrooms, adding an elevator, reconfiguring areas of ministry, and creating more open space for gathering.
- Renew and restore our parish hall.
How do I pledge my financial commitment?
There are several ways to give to Faith in Action: Building our Future. The campaign is spread over three (3) years.
- Pledged Gifts are intended gifts to the campaign spread over a three (3) year period. Each pledge payment on a pledge is eligible for an income-tax charitable deduction.
- Outright Gifts can be put to work immediately to help implement the goals of the campaign.
- Cash Gifts are the simplest and easiest! These gifts are made through cash, personal checks, cashier’s checks or using a credit card.
- Gifts of Real Estate
- Gifts of appreciated securities, stocks and bonds provide considerable tax advantages when transferred to St. Paul’s before they are sold. If you wish to transfer stock please contact Diane Matz Kane at finance@spechurch.com for the broker’s information.
- IRA Contributions maximize charitable giving. People who are age 70 and half or older can contribute up to $100,000 from their IRA directly to a charity and avoid paying income taxes on the distribution.
A Collect for Building our Future
Almighty God, who inspires the restoration and
renewal of all creation; lead us into the future
you are building for St. Paul’s. Help us put our
faith into action as we work towards a more ac-
cessible and welcoming church. Grant us gener-
osity and vision, commitment and resolve, that
we may, by your unwavering grace, accomplish
all that is set before us; through Jesus Christ,
our risen Lord. Amen.