Barry and Maryelle Jones

Mar 20, 2023 | Members Corner

St. Paul’s was the first Episcopal Church that Barry and I visited as we moved to Wilmington, and the one where we felt an immediate sense of connection.  The music, the stained glass windows, an awareness of the presence of God, gave us a sense of the holy.  The warm welcome we received also helped!

Both Barry and I were born in Washington, D.C., and grew up in the Maryland suburbs.  My involvement with the Episcopal Church in the various places we have lived has had a number of chapters, and includes various roles.  Here too we have begun a new chapter with our involvement in the life of St, Paul’s.  You might see Barry working in the gardens (with St. Fiacre), and I may be the one to greet you as you come in on a Sunday morning.  Both of us help the green team when it is our turn for the Sunday morning reception.  And I may see you at St. Paul’s Mardi Gras next week, working with Parish Life.

Barry and I feel thankful to be at St. Paul’s, and look forward to meeting more of our still fairly new church family.