A New Year: Opportunities Abound

Dec 17, 2020 | Clergy Corner

A New Year: Opportunities Abound


The seasons of Advent and Christmas are my favorite times in our Church calendar.  That remains true despite the differences the pandemic has brought to our observance and celebration of these times this year.  For me, someone who is introverted and reflective by nature the time of waiting and watching of Advent are welcome opportunities for me to dig deeper into my life of faith, exploring the questions Advent raises for us: Where do I see the light of God in the world? How do I point to that light? How do I live my life in preparation for the coming of Christ?  And then of course Christmas is a time to rejoice in the miracle of God coming to live among us, God’s salvation coming to us. 


So this year, even though it has been a year unlike others in recent history, I pray each of us will find opportunities to observe the seasons in meaningful ways. For our part at St. Paul’s our worship schedule is below; seats may be reserved through our website spechurch.com:


Christmas Eve

3pm: Children and Family Eucharist in the Garden

5pm: Solemn Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Church (limited to 50 people)

8pm: Solemn Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Church (limited to 50 people)


Christmas Day

10am: Holy Eucharist in the Church (limited to 50 people)


And finally, I want to take a moment to share with you an opportunity for ministry at St. Paul’s that arrives with each new year.  That is the vestry.  As I think about this year in particular I have been reminded again and again the vital and meaningful role the vestry serves in our congregation.  It is a ministry of leadership and provides opportunity to collaborate with clergy and other leaders of the congregation in order to work towards realizing God’s mission for the body of Christ of our church.  Leadership does of course entail challenges but these lead to surprising and often unexpected opportunities to grow in faith as individuals and as a church.  This is an exciting time in the life of our congregation.  During this past year the vestry has been transitioning to a new model of leadership by adopting and implementing a strategic plan to better utilize our gifts of people, finances, and facilities leading all of us on a journey to grow our faith and ministry.  God willing, in 2021 St. Paul’s vestry will call a new rector; someone who will further enable us to live and grow into God’s mission.  Beyond these larger responsibilities, vestry itself is the ongoing ministry of rejoicing in the many gifts God has given us and discerning together how best to use those gifts.  I invite you to prayerfully consider service on St. Paul’s vestry.   Previous experience is not required.  We are confident in the many gifts God has given us in each of you, we rejoice in your prayerful consideration of this vital ministry.



God’s Peace,

