Planned Giving at St. Paul’s

Jul 15, 2022 | Clergy Corner

If you look close enough in the sanctuary of St. Paul’s you will notice that we benefit greatly from benefactors; people who, in life and in death, have been generous and intentional in their financial support of St. Paul’s. Just recently, St. Paul’s received an unanticipated memorial donation that has helped us this summer, when giving is traditionally a little leaner. It has reminded me of how important these gifts are to the life and ministry of St. Paul’s. We are very grateful for these kinds of gifts.

I am consistently reminded of Isabel James Lehto’s legacy when I hear the music at St. Paul’s, and work with the Facilities and Grants committees to move closer towards accomplishing Phase 1 of our Long-Range Plan. Ms. Lehto’s planned financial commitment to St. Paul’s allows for so much to happen that would not otherwise be possible.

Have you considered making a Planned Gift to St. Paul’s?

Quarterly giving statements will be mailed out next week. Included in this mailing will be an informational brochure on Planned Giving at St. Paul’s. As a community of faith, we are indebted to those who came before us, grateful for their generosity and enduring commitment to celebrate and share God’s love through St. Paul’s. The baton is now ours, and we are called to partner with past generations to ensure the future for those who will succeed us and faithfully carry on St. Paul’s mission and ministries.

In Christ’s love,
